Fren Mockup

Find therapy your way.

Get matched with a licensed therapist and start your journey to better mental health today.

Sign In


Your privacy is our top priority. All sessions are secure and confidential.


Access therapy from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you feel most comfortable.


Our plans are designed to be affordable and accessible, accepting most insurances.

How it Works

1. Sign Up and Search

  • Search for, and select a provider by talking to our AI assistant, Fren.
  • Fren will automatically match you with providers that match your needs, preferences, and insurance provider, if you have one.
  • Fren will even schedule and modify your appointments after matching you.

2. Attend Therapy

Meet with your new therapist at your scheduled appointment time. How you’d like to see your therapist is entirely up to you.
Video / Audio
Chat / Text

3. Continue your Mental Health Journey with Fren

Continue seeing your therapist, and enjoy our other immersive activities.

Interested? Join our waitlist now.

We're flattered you want to be a part of what we're building.
Click here to join our waitlist for our pilot program.